Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

[the cast of Wizards of Waverly Place]

I’m a super fan of Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana. It is due to my friend, Krishia, we almost spend our times talking about these shows over the phone and I really miss doing that! Honestly, because of these shows, they formed my attitude as I grow specially during my elementary days.

“I grew up watching them and still loving.. "

[the cast of Hannah Montana]
 A matter of example, I wanted to create arts because of Alex Russo because I idolize her so much. Also, just like in Hannah Montana, I learned how to create pranks to my sister and it lightens up my heart which is fun to do. I just love watching these shows so much and I hope I could go back into my childhood days were I spend watching them carefree..

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